Sunday, October 09, 2005

Final Notes (Packing)

I always talk about doing it, but this time I actually managed to keep good notes on what I wore and used. Below, you will find the complete list of everything I brought with me on my trip. Contents in italics are things I could have done without... notes are in bold. I know this looks like a lot of stuff, but it's really not that bad. By the way, is this not completely anal-retentive?

01. Kelty Redcloud 5600 Backpack
02. REI Duck's Back (100 L) -- Rain Cover for Pack
03. (2) Personal Info Sheets (Main pack & Day Pack)
04. Self-Care Supplies (In Ziplock Bags in Top Compartment of Pack)
04a. Shampoo (Travel Bottle)
04a. Body wash (Travel Bottle)
04a. Toothbrush (with Holder)
04a. Floss
04a. Small Toothpaste
04a. Listerine
04b. Sunscreen
04b. Off! Insect Repellent
04c. (2) Razors
04c. Travel Shaving Cream
04c. Toe Clippers
04c. Fingernail Clippers
04c. Tweezers
04d. Deoderant
04d. Small Hand Lotion
04d. Several Q-Tips
04e. (30) Daily Vitamins It was a nice idea.
04e. Various Pills for Aches and Colds
04f. (2) Tiny Gold Bond Bottles
04f. (2) Mini Purell Hand Sanitzer Bottles (Pocket Size)
04f. (3) Slightly Larger Purell Hand Sanitizer Bottles
04g. Small Quick-Dry Pack Towel
05. Money Belt
05a. $400 Cash
05a. Passport
05a. Driver's Liscense
05a. Debit Card
05a. Credit Card
05a. Old College ID (You Never Know) Discounts? In Thailand? Right.
05a. Healthcare Card
05a. (2) MARTA Tokens (Atlanta Subway)
06. Jansport Day Pack
06a. Journal
06a. Second Notebook
06a. "Feel This Book" (Terrible... will finish on plane and toss)
06a. "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"
06a. "The Rough Guide to: Thailand"
06a. Pen
06a. Sharpie
06a. Mints
06a. Fake Wallet (Go ahead, steal it)
06a. Business Cards Not a bad idea, but...
06a. Work ID (Personal Reason... Not Necessary for Others)
06a. Digital Camera
06a. Extra Compact Flash Card
06a. (8) AA Batteries (for Camera) Needed four more.
06a. Old Beer Coozie Coozies are usually provided at the bars.
06a. Eye Shades for Sleeping
06a. Tiny LED Flashlight on an REI Caribeneer It broke.
06a. (2) Small Combo Locks (For Pack, After Flight)
06a. Rope-Style Lock for Pack
06a. Ugly Comfy Travel Socks (for the plane)*
06a. Headphone Splitter Nope.
07. Eagle Creek Cube: Red
07a. (5) Boxers*
07a. (2) Low Running Socks
07a. (1) Black Socks Rarely even wore shoes.
08. Eagle Creek Cube: Black
08a. Nylon Cargo Shorts
08a. Green Bathing Suit
08a. Blue Bathing Suit Only needed one swimming costume.
08a. AU Mesh Shorts
09. Eagle Creek Cube: Blue
09a. AC/DC T-Shirt
09a. Rapids T-Shirt
09a. Cerveza Imperial T-Shirt Saved for the Flight Home
09a. Hurley T-Shirt
10. Teva Flip Flops*
11. Old-as-Hell New Balance Runners
12. Eagle Creek Flat Fold
12a. Checkered Button-Down Shirt
12a. Brown Button-Down Shirt
12a. Long-Sleeve T-Shirt*
12a. Blue Jeans
12a. Cargo Pants*
13. Belt*
14. Sunglasses*
15. Extra Ziplock Bags
16. Roll of TP
17. Rain Coat
18. Booze for the Plane (I Hate Flying)
* Worn On Flight

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At 1:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heya Jarrett!

MAN! say what ya want about being anal, .. as I'm about to take off for my first trip to thailand (for 5 wks) it was great to get a lot of the first hand info you wrote about. Nice pix too, how'd yo get the one of the outside of your plane?

I wanted to say thanks and that I enjoyed your effort of writing that copious blog.

take care!

dave (mighty88 on thorn tree)

At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

enjoyed this as off for for first trip to thailand myself in a fortnight. Lots of great useful info.


At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to know about the "sex excursions". this is too G rated for me - Awesome info and great pics though.

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Came for a glance, stayed for a complete read. Well done, nice work.

Melbourne, AU.

At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you actually wear 5 PAIRS of boxers on the flight?

Well, you got to protect the goods first..

Great information, as well.
How would you recommend going about actually finding places to stay?

At 8:40 PM, Blogger Jarrett Bellini said...


Yes... all five pairs. Very cozy. Little warm. But cozy. :-)

As for finding places to stay... 1) word of mouth is best, and you can start with my suggestions 2) guide books 3) just wander around and look at rooms til' you find something you like 4) internet 5) ask for suggestion from current guest house 6) sleep on the beach

At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicely done list. It's always better to look at the revised list *after* the trip to see what didn't get used, right? That's the ultimate test of the packing list.


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